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    Thursday, April 24, 2008

    Rainy Days and Thursdays

    Yeah, I let my kid run around in her diaper in da rain.

    You gotta problem with dat?

    I thought not.

    Mind ya bidness, and watch da movie.

    Nothing like it

    Ah, yes, an early morning visit from one of the "saved".

    Yes, the Jay-Dubs have made the rounds.

    I got my daily dose of Bible bashing. What a good way to start off the day.

    After explaining that I am in fact, a Mormon, and I believe in the Bible, as well as it's companion book, the Book Of Mormon, I was then asked how I knew it to be true.

    I just do.

    And then I was told that our church "Now allows girls to be missionaries, too". Wow, who knew?

    I can appreciate their hard work and bravery for going door to door and sharing a message, but I'm good in the religion department, thanks for asking.